Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Photo Friday - stillness

It took me a while to think of posting this grasshopper photo for the photo friday topic, stillness.

I was caught up in looking through photos of places with calm water that then seemed kind of cliched, even if they were evocative photos.

This grasshopper sat frozen watching me while I took some photos. I had already followed it for several 'jumps' as I was determined to capture its impressive coppery orange colour.

The grass all around was very sun scorched so although the grasshopper was distinctive and contasted strongly with the dry leaves in the camera's eye; he was actually fairly well camouflaged when viewed from a distance.

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cube said...

Ahh, you have captured the essense of stillness, grasshopper ;-)

natural attrill said...

Beautiful photo and lovely colours Alison.