Friday, April 14, 2006

Photo Friday - full

Entrevaux is a mediaeval village in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence departement, squeezed between the Var river and a small mountain. We visited the village last weekend.

The village is crammed full of higgledy piggledy houses -some even close enough for neighbours to shake hands if they reached out of the upper windows.

This is a view of the tiled rooftops of Entrevaux and the Var river which looks a milky blue white from the Citadel fortress on the mountain top.

Here are some of the tighly packed houses and very narrow lanes between , seen from the ground level.

I will be posting more photos from this trip over the next few days.

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franhilz said...

what a place
rare and beautiful

thanks for share with us

Jude said...

Looks lovely. Inspiring I imagine too!