Saturday, July 09, 2005

Illustration Friday - metropolitan

Another weird Illustration Friday topic - this time metropolitan.

Merriam-Webster online Dictionary gives the definition as:
1 : the primate of an ecclesiastical province
2 : one who lives in a metropolis or displays metropolitan manners or customs.

Not really something that sparks the imagination IMo. Anyway my thoughts on this topic went something like - cities - ant or termite cities - ants in the city. Not very excititing really.
Ants are pretty amazing and as well as living in vasy city colonies the also manage to infest high rise buildings so they are metropolitan in more ways than one.

City ants


JacqueLynn said...

Strong cute graphic, love it

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by, u got a very unique piece of illo!

Cindy said...

The whole ant-metropolis thing is exactly what I've had running through my head too, but I haven't been able to come up with a satisfying image yet. Good work on yours, though!

Rowantree said...

I can see ants like thats in my house´s wall.

Great illo !!

isay said...

your ants are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I really like this image, would make nice border as a stamp :)

bee'nme said...

This is a unique, refreshing take on the theme. Great illustration Allison!!

knottydon said...

Boy, you got large ants over there!!! ;o)

Very different and I like it!!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this illustration. I initially thought of an anthill when I learned of this weeks topic. Great job!

Shell said...

I think your illustration is a great interpretation of the theme!

steve said...

Your ants look like they are waiting in line for the Ice Cream truck. Wait for me ! I want a Dove bar with original chocolate and make it a double !
Fancy ants in the truck drivers pants...

Anonymous said...

Love those ants. Really neat illustration.


Thanks for leaving me a comment. What does ROFL stand for? (I'm fairly new to this!)

Amy C. Moreno said...

I love your ant image for Metropolitan.
It's funny. I was thinking about ants too, but couldn't figure out how to do the illo. I love yours!